Brüssel, Belgien / 11. März 2025 - 13. März 2025
The Bioeconomy’s Key Enabling Technologies Conference & Exhibition
zur offiziellen BIOKET-Website
Stand Nr. 56
The Bioeconomy’s Key Enabling Technologies Conference & Exhibition
zur offiziellen BIOKET-Website
Stand Nr. 56
BIOKET ist eine jährliche internationale Konferenz, die sich der Weiterentwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien (Key Enabling Technologies, KET) und Innovationen im Bereich der Biomasseverwertung verschrieben hat. Die Konferenz zielt darauf ab, die Herstellung von Produkten mit hohem Mehrwert in verschiedenen Wirtschaftssektoren durch nachhaltige Praktiken und Spitzentechnologien zu fördern.
Fraunhofer IGB and its Fraunhofer CBP branch provide solutions for a sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Our focus is on developing highly efficient biomass fractionation and conversion processes – in terms of both energy and resources – coupled with intelligent solutions for downstream processing. Supplemented by the bioinspired production of new polymer materials, functionalization and comprehensive material and biological characterization, complete process cycles can be demonstrated up to pilot scale.
By delivering technologies and know-how to transform biomass into valuable products for a wide range of industries, we enhance the value of biomass and enable partners from research and industry to develop and scale up processes for the utilization of renewable raw materials to production-relevant dimensions, and to accelerate process developments.
Visit our workshops and presentations to learn more about our approaches and offers. We are available for connecting, exchanging and in-depth discussions at our booth no. 56.
Particularly in the field of bioeconomy there seems to be no straight forward approach to successful commercialization – the feedstocks are complex, the products manifold, the market drivers unstable, investment needs big and risks high. We want to shed light on the various approaches to research and development and discuss:
Dr.-Ing. Timo Hardiman (Head of Department Industrial Biotechnology, Fraunhofer IGB), Dr. Michael Richter (Head of Department Bioinspired Chemistry, Fraunhofer IGB), Dr. Christine Rasche (Head of Business Area Sustainable Chemistry, Fraunhofer IGB)
Lignin as a new raw material or its struggle with commercialization, Dr. Ulrike Junghans (Head of Department Regenerative Resources, Fraunhofer CBP)
Chitosan – making the most out of inherent structural properties of an underutilized biomolecule, Dr. Christine Rasche (Head of Business Area Sustainable Chemistry, Fraunhofer IGB)
Innovative Extraction of Rapeseed Protein: Implementing the EthaNa Process for Sustainable Food Applications, Dr. Marlen Verges (Fraunhofer CBP)
We are available at our booth no 56 and look forward for connecting and exchanging.
Biomass fractionation
Industrial biotechnology
Chemical conversion and downstream processes
Bioinspired chemistry