Scientific publications 2020

Publication Type
2020 Structure-property relations of amphiphilic poly(furfuryl glycidyl ether)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) macromonomers at the air-water interface
Adatia, K.K.; Holm, A.; Southan, A.; Frank, C.W.; Tovar, G.E.M.
Journal Article
2020 Coumarin-4-ylmethyl- and p-Hydroxyphenacyl-Based Photoacid Generators with High Solubility in Aqueous Media: Synthesis, Stability and Photolysis
Adatia, K.K.; Halbritter, T.; Reinfelds, M.; Michele, A.; Tran, M.; Laschat, S.; Heckel, A.; Tovar, G.E.M.; Southan, A.
Journal Article
2020 Production of Propene from n-Butanol: A Three-Step Cascade Utilizing the Cytochrome P450 Fatty Acid Decarboxylase OleTJE
Bauer, D.; Zachos, I.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Die drei Modi der Biologischen Transformation
Bauernhansl, Thomas; Wolperdinger, Markus
Journal Article
2020 Mannosylerythritollipide - mikrobielle Biotenside aus dem Bioreaktor
Beck, A.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Growth Behavior of Selected Ustilaginaceae Fungi Used for Mannosylerythritol Lipid (MEL) Biosurfactant Production - Evaluation of a Defined Culture Medium
Beck, A.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Development of an Improved Peroxidase-Based High-Throughput Screening for the Optimization of D-Glycerate Dehydratase Activity
Begander, B.; Huber, A.; Döring, M.; Sperl, J.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Experiences of running a hydroponic system in a pilot scale for resource-efficient water reuse
Bliedung, Alexa; Dockhorn, Thomas; Germer, Jörn; Mayer, Claudia; Mohr, Marius
Journal Article
2020 Electrochemical CO2 reduction to formate on indium catalysts prepared by electrodeposition in deep eutectic solvents
Bohlen, B.; Wastl, D.; Radomski, J.; Sieber, V.; Vieira, L.
Journal Article
2020 Plasmainduzierte CO2-Spaltung mit Sauerstoffabtrennung durch MIEC-Hohlfasermembranen
Buck, Frederic; Wiegers, Katharina; Kistner, Irina; Schulz, Andreas; Schiestel, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Cold atmospheric plasma as antiviral therapy - effect on human herpes simplex virus type 1
Bunz, O.; Mese, K.; Funk, C.; Wulf, M.; Bailer, S.; Piwowarczyk, A.; Ehrhardt, A.
Journal Article
2020 A novel plasma-assisted hollow fiber membrane concept for efficiently separating oxygen from CO in a CO2 plasma
Chen, G.; Buck, F.; Kistner, I.; Widenmeyer, Marc; Schiestel, Thomas; Schulz, A.; Walker, M.; Weidenkaff, Anke
Journal Article
2020 Mikrophysiologisches Retinamodell als Alternative zu Tiermodellen
Chuchuy, Johanna; Achberger, K.; Liebau, S.; Loskill, P.
Journal Article
2020 Nevirapine biotransformation insights: An integrated in vitro approach unveils the biocompetence and glutathiolomic profile of a human hepatocyte-like cell 3D model
Cipriano, M.; Pinheiro, P.F.; Sequeira, C.O.; Rodrigues, J.S.; Oliveira, N.G.; Antunes, A.M.M.; Castro, M.; Marques, M.M.; Pereira, S.A.; Miranda, J.P.
Journal Article
2020 Publisher Correction: The choice of biopolymer is crucial to trigger angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor releasing coatings
Claaßen, Christiane; Dannecker, M.; Grübel, J.; Kotzampasi, M.-E.; Tovar, G.E.M.; Stanzel, B.V.; Borchers, K.
2020 The choice of biopolymer is crucial to trigger angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor releasing coatings
Claßen, Christiane; Dannecker, Miriam; Grübel, Jana; Kotzampasi, Maria-Elli; Tovar, Günter E.M.; Stanzel, Boris Viktor; Borchers, Kirsten
Journal Article
2020 Coproduction of EPA and Fucoxanthin with P. tricornutum - A Promising Approach for Up- and Downstream Processing
Derwenskus, Felix; Schäfer, Benjamin; Müller, Jan; Frick, Konstantin; Gille, Andrea; Briviba, Karlis; Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Prozessentwicklung zur Coproduktion von Eicosapentaensäure und Fucoxanthin mit der Kieselalge Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Derwenskus, Felix; Weickert, Sebastian; Frick, Konstantin; Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Verfahren zum Erhalt von Fucoxanthin und Fettsäuren aus Algenbiomasse
Derwenskus, Felix; Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike; Bringmann, Christian
2020 Economic evaluation of up- and downstream scenarios for the co-production of fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid with P. tricornutum using flat-panel airlift photobioreactors with artificial light
Derwenskus, Felix; Weickert, S.; Lewandowski, I.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Contribution of HDAC3 to transcriptional repression by the human papillomavirus 31 E82 protein
Dreer, M.; Blondzik, S.; Straub, E.; Iftner, T.; Stubenrauch, F.
Journal Article
2020 Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a two highly stereoselective borneol dehydrogenases from Salvia officinalis L
Drienovská, I.; Kolanovic, D.; Chánique, A.; Sieber, V.; Hofer, M.; Kourist, R.
Journal Article
2020 Verfahren sowie Vorrichtung zum Aufbereiten von Zellsuspensionen
Egner, Siegfried; Solyom, Katalin; Vasquez, Ana Lucia; VaronaIgleisias, Salima; Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike
2020 Precision 3D-Printed Cell Scaffolds Mimicking Native Tissue Composition and Mechanics
Erben, A.; Hörning, M.; Hartmann, B.; Becke, T.; Eisler, S.A.; Southan, A.; Cranz, S.; Hayden, O.; Kneidinger, N.; Königshoff, M.; Lindner, M.; Tovar, G.E.M.; Burgstaller, G.; Clausen-Schaumann, H.; Sudhop, S.; Heymann, M.
Journal Article
2020 Cancer-selective treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous human cervical cell models by a non-thermally operated electrosurgical argon plasma device
Feil, L.; Koch, A.; Utz, R.; Ackermann, M.; Barz, J.; Stope, M.; Krämer, B.; Wallwiener, D.; Brucker, S.Y.; Weiss, M.
Journal Article
2020 Low-energy electron irradiation efficiently inactivates the gram-negative pathogen rodentibacter pneumotropicus
Fertey, Jasmin; Bayer, Lea; Kähl, Sophie; Haji, Rukiya M.; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Thoma, Martin; Standfest, Bastian; Schönfelder, Jessi; Casado, Javier Portillo; Rögner, Frank-Holm; Baums, Christoph Georg; Grunwald, Thomas; Ulbert, Sebastian
Journal Article
2020 Rheology of sphingans in EPS - surfactant systems
Gansbiller, M.; Schmid, J.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Molecular Dynamics Analysis of a Rationally Designed Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gives Insights into Improved Activity for the Non-Native Cofactor NAD+
Gmelch, T.J.; Sperl, J.M.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Rapid Next-Generation Sequencing - Based Diagnostics of Bacteremia in Septic Patients
Grumaz, Christian; Hoffmann, A.; Vainshtein, Y.; Kopp, M.; Grumaz, Silke; Stevens, Philip; Decker, S.O.; Weigand, M.A.; Hofer, S.; Brenner, T.; Sohn, K.
Journal Article
2020 Comparison of Different Lactobacilli Regarding Substrate Utilization and their Tolerance Towards Lignocellulose Degradation Products
Gubelt, A.; Blaschke, Lisa; Hahn, Thomas; Rupp, Steffen; Hirth, Thomas; Zibek, Susanne
Journal Article
2020 Determining different impact factors on the xylonic acid production using Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2343
Hahn, T.; Torkler, S.; Bolt, R. van der; Gammel, N.; Hesse, M.; Möller, A.; Preylowski, B.; Hubracht, V.; Patzsch, K.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Chitosan production with larval exoskeletons derived from the insect protein production
Hahn, T.; Roth, A.; Ji, R.; Schmitt, E.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Current state of chitin purification and chitosan production from insects
Hahn, T.; Tafi, E.; Paul, A.; Salvia, R.; Falabella, P.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Chitosan application in textile processing and fabric coating
Hahn, Thomas; Bossog, Leonie; Hager, Tom; Wunderlich, Werner; Breier, Rudi; Stegmaier, TThomas; Zibek, Susanne
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Patterns of autologous and nonautologous interactions between core nuclear egress complex (NEC) proteins of a-, v- and g-herpesviruses
Häge, S.; Sonntag, E.; Borst, E.M.; Tannig, P.; Seyler, L.; Bäuerle, T.; Bailer, S.; Lee, C.-P.; Müller, R.; Wangen, C.; Milbradt, J.; Marschall, M.
Journal Article
2020 The impact of having an oxygen-rich microporous surface in carbon electrodes for high-power aqueous supercapacitors
Hérou, S.; Crespo Ribadeneyra, M.; Schlee, P.; Luo, H.; Cristian Tanase, L.; Roßberg, C.; Titirici, M.
Journal Article
2020 Prehydrolysis and organosolv delignification process for the recovery of hemicellulose and lignin from beech wood
Ibrahim, Q.; Kruse, A.
Journal Article
2020 The effect of using different acids to catalyze the prehydrolysis stage on the organosolv delignification of beech wood in two-stage process
Ibrahim, Q.; Arauzo, P.J.; Kruse, A.
Journal Article
2020 Activated carbon as catalyst support: Precursors, preparation, modification and characterization
Iwanow, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; Sieber, V.; König, B.
Journal Article
2020 Pyrolysis of Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Preparation of Supported Copper Electrocatalysts
Iwanow, M.; Vieira, L.; Rud, I.; Seidler, J.; Kaiser, M.; Opdenbosch, D. Van; Zollfrank, C.; Richter, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; König, B.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Towards automation in biologics production via Raman micro-spectroscopy, laser-induced forward cell transfer and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Jaeckle, Elisabeth; Brauchle, Eva; Nottrodt, Nadine; Wehner, Martin; Lensing, Richard; Gillner, Arnold; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Bach, Monika; Burger-Kentischer, Anke
Journal Article
2020 A systematic analysis of economic evaluation studies of second-generation biorefineries providing chemicals by applying biotechnological processes
Jorissen, T.; Oraby, Amira; Recke, G.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Valorization of Lignin via Oxidative Depolymerization with Hydrogen Peroxide: Towards Carboxyl-Rich Oligomeric Lignin Fragments
Junghans, U.; Bernhardt, J.J.; Wollnik, R.; Triebert, D.; Unkelbach, G.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.
Journal Article
2020 The resource principle. Utilization and intelligent reprocessing routes for wood-based materials, natural fibers and organic residues
Kasal, Bohumil; Leschinsky, Moritz; Oehr, Christian; Unkelbach, Gerd; Wolperdinger, Markus
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Eclectic characterisation of chemically modified cell-derived matrices obtained by metabolic glycoengineering and re-assessment of commonly used methods
Keller, Silke; Liedek, A.; Shendi, D.; Bach, Monika; Tovar, G.E.M.; Kluger, Petra Juliane; Southan, A.
Journal Article
2020 Azide-Functional Extracellular Matrix Coatings as a Bioactive Platform for Bioconjugation
Keller, Silke; Wörgötter, K.; Liedek, A.; Kluger, Petra Juliane; Bach, Monika; Tovar, G.E.M.; Southan, A.
Journal Article
2020 Low-pressure plasma activation enables enhanced adipose-derived stem cell adhesion
Kleinhans, Claudia; Schmohl, L.; Barz, J.; Kluger, Petra Juliane
Journal Article
2020 Confocal Raman microscopy to identify bacteria in oral subgingival biofilm models
Kriem, L.S.; Wright, K.; Ccahuana-Vasquez, R.A.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2020 Advanced gelatin-based vascularization bioinks for extrusion-based bioprinting of vascularized bone equivalents
Leucht, A.; Volz, A.-C.; Rogal, Julia; Borchers, K.; Kluger, Petra Juliane
Journal Article
2020 Technical homes for human cells
Leyens, Christoph; Klotzbach, Udo; Sonntag, Frank; Wolperdinger, Markus; Loskill, Peter; Bauernhansl, Thomas; Traube, Andreas; Brecher, Christian; Schmitt, Robert; König, Niels
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Tribological Conditions Using CO2 as Volatile Lubricant in Dry Metal Forming
Liewald, Mathias; Tovar, Günter; Woerz, Christoph; Umlauf, Georg
Journal Article
2020 Biology-inspired microphysiological systems to advance patient benefit and animal welfare in drug development
Marx, U.; Akabane, T.; Andersson, T.B.; Baker, E.; Beilmann, M.; Beken, S.; Brendler-Schwaab, S.; Cirit, M.; David, R.; Dehne, E.-M.; Durieux, I.; Ewart, L.; Fitzpatrick, S.C.; Frey, O.; Fuchs, F.; Griffith, L.G.; Hamilton, G.A.; Hartung, T.; Hoeng, J.; Hogberg, H.; Hughes, D.J.; Ingber, D.E.; Iskandar, A.; Kanamori, T.; Kojima, H.; Kuehnl, J.; Leist, M.; Li, B.; Loskill, P.; Mendrick, D.L.; Neumann, T.; Pallocca, G.; Rusyn, I.; Smirnova, L.; Steger-Hartmann, T.; Tagle, D.A.; Tonevitsky, A.; Tsyb, S.; Trapecar, M.; Water, B. van de; Eijnden-van Raaij, J. van den; Vulto, P.; Watanabe, K.; Wolf, A.; Zhou, X.; Roth, A.
Journal Article
2020 Up-scaling transport in porous polymer membranes using asymptotic homogenization
Matthies, Jörn Henning; Hopp-Hirschler, Manuel; Übele, Sarah; Schiestel, Thomas; Osenberg, Markus; Manke, Ingo; Nieken, Ulrich
Journal Article
2020 Characterization and comparison of Porphyridium sordidum and Porphyridium purpureum concerning growth characteristics and polysaccharide production
Medina-Cabrera, E.V.; Rühmann, B.; Schmid, J.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Optimization of growth and EPS production in two Porphyridum strains
Medina-Cabrera, E.V.; Rühmann, B.; Schmid, J.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 The biological transformation of industrial manufacturing - Technologies, status and scenarios for a sustainable future of the German manufacturing industry
Miehe, Robert; Bauernhansl, Thomas; Beckett, Marc; Brecher, Christian; Demmer, Axel; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Elfert, Patrik; Full, Johannes; Hellmich, Arvid; Hinxlage, Julian; Horbelt, Jessica; Jutz, G.; Krieg, S.; Maufroy, Christophe; Noack, Marian; Scholz, Paul; Sauer, Alexander; Schließmann, Ursula; Schwarz, Oliver; Ten Hompel, Michael; Wrycza, Philipp; Wolperdinger, Markus
Journal Article
2020 City Lab Kochi, India
Mohr, Marius; Schwegler, Markus; Maciulyte, Ernesta; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Winkler, Matthias; Giglmeier, Sabine; Mok, Sophie; Stojiljkovic, Marjan; Brittas, Anna; Jayawant, Amruta; Schlecht, Valentin
2020 Assuring water quality along multi-barrier treatment systems for agricultural water reuse
Mohr, Marius; Dockhorn, Thomas; Drewes, Jörg E.; Karwat, Sybille; Lackner, Susanne; Lotz, Bryan; Nahrstedt, Andreas; Nocker, Andreas; Schramm, Engelbert; Zimmermann, Martin
Journal Article
2020 Kontinuierliche Selektivoxidation mittels Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b am Beispiel von Benzol und Propylen
Mühlemeier, Ilka; Stier, Matthias; Tovar, Günter; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Factors Affecting the Synthesis of Cellobiose Lipids by Sporisorium scitamineum
Oraby, Amira; Werner, Nicole; Sungur, Z.; Zibek, S.
Journal Article
2020 Single step syntheses of (1S)-aryl-tetrahydroisoquinolines by norcoclaurine synthases
Roddan, R.; Sula, A.; Méndez-Sánchez, D.; Subrizi, F.; Lichman, B.R.; Broomfield, J.; Richter, M.; Andexer, J.N.; Ward, J.M.; Keep, N.H.; Hailes, H.C.
Journal Article
2020 Assessing the potential of carbon dioxide valorisation in Europe with focus on biogenic CO2
Rodin, V.; Lindorfer, J.; Böhm, H.; Vieira, L.
Journal Article
2020 WAT-on-a-chip integrating human mature white adipocytes for mechanistic research and pharmaceutical applications
Rogal, Julia; Binder, C.; Kromidas, E.; Roosz, J.; Probst, Christopher; Schneider, S.; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Loskill, P.
Journal Article
2020 Renewable fuels for aviation
Roth, Arne
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Einsatz von überhitztem Wasserdampf als Trocknungsmittel zur Optimierung der Energieeffizienz von Trocknungsprozessen
Scherer, Bruno; Dalibard, Antoine; Takacs, Ronny; Geier, Dominik; Becker, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Metabolic engineering for production of functional polysaccharides
Schilling, C.; Badri, A.; Sieber, V.; Koffas, M.; Schmid, J.
Journal Article
2020 Engineering of the 2,3-butanediol pathway of Paenibacillus polymyxa DSM 365
Schilling, C.; Ciccone, R.; Sieber, V.; Schmid, J.
Journal Article
2020 Organ-on-a-disc: A platform technology for the centrifugal generation and culture of microphysiological 3D cell constructs amenable for automation and parallelization
Schneider, S.; Erdemann, F.; Schneider, Oliver; Hutschalik, T.; Loskill, P.
Journal Article
2020 Effect of temperature and moisture contents on dielectric properties at 2.45 GHz of fruit and vegetable processing by-products
Solyom, Katalin; Lopez, P.R.; Esquivel, P.; Lucia, A.; Vásquez-Caicedo, Ana Lucia
Journal Article
2020 Correction: Effect of temperature and moisture contents on dielectric properties at 2.45 GHz of fruit and vegetable processing by-products
Solyom, Katalin; Lopez, P.R.; Esquivel, P.; Vásquez-Caicedo, Ana Lucia
Journal Article
2020 Biobased chiral semi-crystalline or amorphous high-performance polyamides and their scalable stereoselective synthesis
Stockmann, P.N.; Opdenbosch, D. van; Poethig, A.; Pastoetter, D.L.; Hoehenberger, M.; Lessig, S.; Raab, J.; Woelbing, M.; Falcke, C.; Winnacker, M.; Zollfrank, C.; Strittmatter, H.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Characterization of highly active 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate and 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-xylonate dehydratases in terms of the biotransformation of hemicellulose sugars to chemicals
Sutiono, S.; Siebers, B.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Enabling the Direct Enzymatic Dehydration of d-Glycerate to Pyruvate as the Key Step in Synthetic Enzyme Cascades Used in the Cell-Free Production of Fine Chemicals
Sutiono, S.; Teshima, M.; Beer, B.; Schenk, G.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 UV-advanced oxidation process without additives in liquid phase. Process characterization and validation
Toro Santamaria, Jorge Mario
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Experimental observation of resonance manifold shrinking under zonal flow shear
Ullmann, T.; Schmid, B.; Manz, P.; Milligen, B. Van; Tovar, G.E.M.; Ramisch, M.
Journal Article
2020 Draft Genome Sequence of Andreprevotia sp. Strain IGB-42, a Chitinolytic Bacterium Isolated from a Soil Sample of an Anthill in Stuttgart, Germany
Vainshtein, Y.; Werner, Nicole; Kirstahler, Philipp; Glanz, K.; Grumaz, Christian; Hahn, T.; Zibek, S.; Sohn, K.
Journal Article
2020 Antibacterial properties of glycosylated surfaces: Variation of the glucosidal moiety and fatty acid conformation of grafted microbial glycolipids
Valotteau, C.; Roelants, S.L.K.V.; Dasaiyan, P.; Zibek, S.; Günther, Michael; Soetaert, W.; Everaert, B.; Pradier, C.-M.; Babonneau, F.; Baccile, N.; Humblot, V.
Journal Article
2020 Non-thermal Processing of Pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) Juice Using Continuous Pressure Change Technology (PCT): Effects on Physical Traits, Microbial Loads, Enzyme Activities, and Phytochemical Composition
Vollmer, K.; Santarelli, S.; Vásquez-Caicedo, Ana Lucia; Iglesias, S.V.; Frank, J.; Carle, R.; Steingass, C.B.
Journal Article
2020 Untersuchungen zur CO2-Konversion in einem Mikrowellenplasmabrenner
Wiegers, Katharina; Kistner, Irina; Buck, Frederic; Schiestel, Thomas; Schulz, Andreas; Walker, Matthias; Tovar, Günter
Journal Article
2020 Water reuse in hydroponic systems: A realistic future scenario for Germany?
Winker, Martina; Fischer, Michaela; Bliedung, Alexa; Bürgow, Grit; Germer, Jörn; Mohr, Marius; Nink, Andreas; Schmitt, Bea; Wieland, Arne; Dockhorn, Thomas
Journal Article
2020 Fluorescence lifetime metabolic mapping of hypoxia-induced damage in pancreatic pseudo-islets
Zbinden, A.; Carvajal Berrio, D.A.; Urbanczyk, M.; Layland, Shannon; Bosch, M.; Fliri, S.; Lu, C.-E.; Jeyagaran, A.; Loskill, P.; Duffy, G.P.; Schenke-Layland, Katja
Journal Article
2020 Non-invasive marker-independent high content analysis of a microphysiological human pancreas-on-a-chip model
Zbinden, A.; Marzi, J.; Schlünder, K.; Probst, Christopher; Urbanczyk, M.; Black, S.; Brauchle, Eva; Layland, Shannon; Kraushaar, U.; Duffy, G.; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Loskill, P.
Journal Article
2020 Recombinant Adenosine Deaminase Ameliorates Inflammation, Vascular Disease, and Fibrosis in Preclinical Models of Systemic Sclerosis
Zhang, Yun; Zhu, Honglin; Layritz, Florian; Luo, Hui; Wohlfahrt, Thomas; Chen, Chih-Wei; Soare, Alina; Bergmann, Christina; Ramming, Andreas; Groeber-Becker, Florian; Reuter, Christian; Fornasini, GianFranco; Soukhareva, Nadejda; Schreiber, Brian; Ramamurthy, Santosh; Amann, Kerstin; Schett, Georg; Distler, Jörg H.W
Journal Article
2020 Mixed-Matrix-Membranen mit adsorptiven Eigenschaften für die Abtrennung von Schadstoffen
Übele, Sarah; Leberle, Anna; Li, Miao; Jeske, Michael; Ulbricht, Mathias; Schiestel, Thomas
Journal Article
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