
Cleaning and disinfection

UV and plasmas have an inactivating effect on microorganisms and enable the removal of organic contaminants. They can thus be used for the sterilization of surfaces, for disinfection in food production, but also for the removal of difficult-to-degrade compounds in wastewater.

We have developed plasma-based sterilization and cleaning processes as well as UV-C LED treatment processes, which we intend to further develop or scale up for industrial use together with partners. In addition, our adsorber particles can be used for the selective removal of environmental pollutants from water or impurities from valuable fractions.

Cleaning processes using plasma

In plasmas highly reactive particles are generated, that can remove surface contamination such as oil residues from surfaces before it be painted or otherwise coated. We have also developed a process to break down micropollutants in water using plasma.

Disinfection and sterilization

The highly reactive particles generated in a plasma can also be used in medical applications because they are able to kill germs and inactivate spores. We develop UV and plasma processes for the inactivation of microorganisms and viruses.

Process development for cleaning, disinfection and material testing


Water purification with atmospheric plasma

Substances that are difficult to degrade, such as drug residues or pesticides in industrial wastewater, must be removed with oxidizing substances such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide or UV irradiation. The use of plasma processes, which belong to the AOP (advanced oxidation processes), can be an alternative.



Adsorption of pollutants and contaminants with adsorber particles


Plasma ultracleaning of metal surfaces

We use reactive particles in plasma to effectively remove surface contaminants such as oil residues from surfaces.


Plasma sterilization for thermolabile materials

Thermal sterilization processes cannot be used for thermolabile materials such as medical devices or components of medical equipment. The sterilizing, microbial cell inactivating effect of low-temperature plasmas offers a material-friendly alternative.


UV technologies for sterilization and disinfection of surfaces

We use various gas discharge lamps, including specially developed excimer lamps, but also UV LEDs to inactivate microorganisms and viruses on surfaces.


Preservation of cultural heritage with plasma technology

Due to its cleaning and sterilizing effect - while at the same time being gentle on materials - plasma technology is also in demand for the conservation and restoration treatment of historical cultural goods.  Fraunhofer IGB is a founding member of the Cultural Heritage Research Alliance.


Plasma weathering of surfaces

Product development cycles for polymeric materials such as coatings are complex, expensive and lengthy, primarily due to testing procedures. Plasma-based processes can mimic outdoor weathering. Results show that this can significantly shorten development cycles for coatings.

Further technologies

We also develop coating processes from the gas phase (plasma, PVD, CVD processes) and liquid phase (dipping, doctoring, spraying, spin coating) as well as processes for the targeted production of functional particles and for the scaled-up synthesis of hydrogels. We present these technologies in the respective application areas of coatings and materials. The links will take you there directly.


Functional particles and particle technologies

Nano- and microparticles with diameters ranging from 50 nanometers to several 100 micrometers are produced at the IGB from organic and inorganic materials. The main areas of research are the design of tailor-made particles as carrier materials for biotechnology and medicine and for the separation (enrichment) of low-concentration valuable substances or interfering/polluting substances.



Modification of biopolymers

Through chemical modification, we adapt biopolymers such as gelatine, chitosan or inulin to specific requirements. By adding a wide variety of chemical groups, we can change the viscosity, solubility or charge of the biopolymer in a targeted manner.


Structuring, printing processes, additive processes

The generative manufacturing of innovative products already plays a major role in research and development on a laboratory scale. For this purpose, Fraunhofer IGB has facilities for upscaling and further development in the field of embossing processes as well as additive processes. The existing process technology is used to target and respond to the latest requirements.



Coating technologies

Our processes include various coating methods from the gas phase (plasma processes, PVD, CVD processes) and liquid phase (dipping, doctoring, spraying, spin coating) - from laboratory to pilot scale.