Biofilms and hygiene

Microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria are omnipresent in nature.  They play an essential role in natural material cycles and are thus of elementary importance for the continued existence of ecosystems. Microorganisms are used industrially in food technology or for the production of antibiotically active substances for pharmaceuticals.

On the other hand, bacteria and fungi cause considerable damage when they occur as contaminants in production and have a negative effect on products. They can also cause technical problems because materials are destroyed or equipment is turned unusable due to microbial growth. Examples include damage caused by fungi in old buildings, deterioration of heat exchanger efficiency due to biofilms, and microbial-induced corrosion damage.

Enormous efforts are also being made in the health sector to prevent the growth of biofilms on natural surfaces such as dental material, but also on synthetic materials such as implants, catheters or medical devices – mainly because of high costs in the event of damage to humans.

At Fraunhofer IGB, we have been working for several years on issues involving the interactions between microbial cells and surfaces. We also have the technical expertise to characterize biofilms and surfaces and to develop individual approaches to prevent bacterial deposits.


Detection of microorganisms

Standardized conventional and specially established methods are used for the detection and identification of bacteria and fungi.


Biological characterization of antimicrobial surfaces

We characterize and develop antimicrobial surfaces.


Biofilms – characterization and avoidance

Where biofilms are unwanted, we support you!

Interfacial biology and hygiene

  • Prevention and use of biofilms
  • Microbiological evaluation of surfaces and components in medical engineering, construction, technical applications, hygiene
  • Immobilization of microorganisms on surfaces
  • Localization of microbial contamination and biofilms in production streams
  • Identification of the composition of biofilms
  • Immobilization of microorganisms on surfaces
  • Inactivation and/or reduction of microbial cells by antimicrobial surfaces, photocatalytical processes, plasma sterilization, UV treatment, ultrasound or filtration processes
  • Use of signalling molecules for biosensor applications


Microbiological evaluation

  • Evaluation of microbial impurity on surfaces (e.g. of medical devices, in hygiene and construction) and in production-integrated media (e. g. water)
  • Testing of antimicrobial properties of specially coated surfaces
  • Selection and cultivation of test organisms to evaluate modified surfaces
  • Development of methods for special demands and new requirements


Development of test procedures and innovative materials

  • Creating procedures to minimize the microbial and chemical load in various sectors (e. g. sterilization processes, elongation of retention times for cleansing baths, process water treatment, cost-efficient recycling of production-integrated media, wastewater treatment)
  • Development of innovative materials to reduce the formation of biofilms affecting packaging supply, pipelines, medical equipment and / or for the design of antimicrobial work spaces


  • Microbiological laboratories with modern equipment as well as an appropriately qualified team permit the handling of microorganisms in the risk groups 1 and 2.
  • Activation units are available for the examination of photocatalytically finished surfaces, in which a biological characterization of the specimens can be carried out under defined conditions.
  • Qualitative and quantitative methods of measurement to compare different materials and products.
  • Methods for the evaluation of the adhesion properties and the biofilm formation under static and dynamic conditions.

Test organisms

  • Test organisms of risk groups 1 and 2: Bacteria, fungi, algae (e.g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aspergillus niger, Scenedesmus spec.)
  • Mixed populations typical of the location: cell wall composition, well-known resistances, genetically determined metabolic properties
  • Use of microorganisms with specific requirements (e.g., anaerobic cultivation conditions, methanotrophic bacteria)
  • Genetically modified strains of relevant organisms for applications in biosensor development (e.g. producing fluorescent proteins)


  • Raman spectrometer with 532 nm, 785 nm laser and CARS technology
  • Biofilm reactoren (e.g. CDC, Drip flow, … ) 
  • Individually designed flow cells
  • Fluorescence microscopy (ZEISS Axio Observer Z1)
  • Sy-Lab BacTrac 4300 for quantitative determination of bacteria
  • Quantitative real time CR (qRT-PCR LightCycler 480)
  • Identification of microorganisms using DNA barcoding (bacteria via 16S, fungi via ITS)
  • Real time impedance analysis (ACEA xCELLigence) for investigation of active agents against biofilms
  • Tecan Infinite 200 PRO
  • Screening processes
  • Standard procedures for evaluating antimicrobial properties of surfaces according to DIN EN ISO standards
  • Culture-based test procedures
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Raman spectroscopy and microscopy.
© Fraunhofer IGB
Raman spectroscopy and microscopy.
Raman spectroscopy and microscopy
© Fraunhofer IGB
Raman spectroscopy and microscopy.

We analyze ...

Confocal Raman microspectroscopy enables spatially resolved identification of chemical, biological and mineral components in complex heterogeneous samples.


Raman spectroscopy and microscopy

Information materials


Brochure “Microbiological characterization of antimicrobial and photocatalytic active surfaces”


Product sheet “Biosensors as alarm systems for drinking and process water monitoring”

Scientific publications

Publication Type
2023 Design and Implementation of Energy-Water Nexus Management in a Solar-Powered NFT Hydroponic System
Sidibé, Abdoulaye; Ndeda, Rehema; Murimi Nyamu Wanjiru, Evan; Mutwiwa, Urbanus N.; Kriem, Lukas; Beckett, Marc; Fischer, Peter
Journal Article
2023 Nanocrystalline apatites: Post-immersion acidification and how to avoid it - application to antibacterial bone substitutes
Drouet, Christophe; Vandecandelaère, Nicolas; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Trick, Iris; Kohl, Christina; Maucher, Tanja; Müller, Michaela; Weber, Franz
Journal Article
2022 Smart mobile vaccination pickup for sustainable improvement of medical care and smart pandemic control in Southern Africa
Stortz, Felix; Went, Joachim; Koschikowski, Joachim; Maruf, Md Nasimul Islam; Schäfer, Lothar; Neumann, Frank; Lotz, Bryan; Beckett, Marc; Hamann, Maike
Conference Paper
2021 Mapping of a Subgingival Dual-Species Biofilm Model Using Confocal Raman Microscopy
Kriem, L.S.; Wright, K.; Ccahuana-Vasquez, R.A.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2020 Assuring water quality along multi-barrier treatment systems for agricultural water reuse
Mohr, Marius; Dockhorn, Thomas; Drewes, Jörg E.; Karwat, Sybille; Lackner, Susanne; Lotz, Bryan; Nahrstedt, Andreas; Nocker, Andreas; Schramm, Engelbert; Zimmermann, Martin
Journal Article
2020 Confocal Raman microscopy to identify bacteria in oral subgingival biofilm models
Kriem, L.S.; Wright, K.; Ccahuana-Vasquez, R.A.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2018 Teilvorhaben: Automatisierte Biosensoren, selbstlernende Monitoring-Tools und Konzepte für sichere Sensornetzwerke zur Erhöhung der Resilienz von Trinkwasserinfrastrukturen
Bernard, Thomas; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Frick, Konstantin; Jacubasch, Andreas; Kerger, Christian; Kohl, Christina; Kühnert, Christian; Meier, David; Trick, Iris
2017 Augmented resilience of water distribution systems following severe abnormal events
Piller, O.; Sedehizade, F.; Bernard, Thomas; Braun, M.; Cheifetz, N.; Deuerlein, J.; Wagner, M.; Lapebie, E.; Trick, Iris; Weber, J.-M.; Werey, C.
2016 On-line monitoring of drinking water based on a biological broad-spectrum sensor
Bernard, Thomas; Jacubasch, Andreas; Trick, Iris; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Kohl, Christina
2015 Control of drinking water by linking biosensors with physicochemical methods
Cimalla, Volker; Hugger, Stefan; Fuchs, Frank; Anzt, Johannes; Bitterling, Moritz; Yang, Nianjun; Kohl, Christina; Maucher, Tanja; Mühlemeier, Ilka; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Trick, Iris
Journal Article
2015 Direct generation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles dispersion under supercritical conditions for photocatalytic active thermoplastic surfaces for microbiological inactivation
Zydziak, Nicolas; Ambrosio Zanin, Maria-Helena; Trick, Iris; Hübner, Christof
Journal Article
2014 Enzyme-functionalized biomimetic apatites: Concept and perspectives in view of innovative medical approaches
Weber, Christina G.; Müller, Michaela; Vandecandelaere, Nicolas; Trick, Iris; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Maucher, Tanja; Drouet, Christophe
Journal Article
2012 Flexible survival strategies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biofilms result in increased fitness compared with Candida albicans
Purschke, F.G.; Hiller, Ekkehard; Trick, Iris; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2012 Multicentre trials for decontamination of fine-lumen PTFE tubes loaded with bacterial endospores by low and atmospheric pressure plasma
Schnabel, U.; Maucher, Tanja; Köhnlein, J.; Volkwein, W.; Niquet, R.; Trick, Iris; Stieber, M.; Müller, Michael; Werner, H.P.; Ehlbeck, J.; Oehr, Christian; Weltmann, K.D.
Journal Article
2012 Flexible survival strategies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biofilms result in increased fitness compared to Candida albicans
Purschke, F.G.; Hiller, Ekkehard; Trick, Iris; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2012 Strategien gegen Mikroorganismen an Kunststoffoberflächen
Trick, Iris
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2012 Vermeidung von Biofilm und Unterdrückung von Virulenzfaktoren pathogener Mikroorganismen an Grenzflächen
Müller, Michaela; Kohl, Christina; Kerger, Christian; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Trick, Iris; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2011 Assembly of standardized test specimen for microbial quantification of plasma sterilization processes of fine PTFE tubes as used in thermo sensitive medical devices like flexible endoscopes
Maucher, Tanja; Schnabel, U.; Volkwein, W.; Köhnlein, J.; Winter, J.; Weltmann, K.-D.; Trick, Iris; Oehr, Christian
Journal Article
2011 Breitband-Biosensor AquaBioTox zur onlinefähigen Trinkwasserüberwachung
Bernard, Thomas; Müller, Thomas; Jacubasch, Andreas; Schuchert, Tobias; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Maucher, T.; Geiger, Georg-Ullrich; Trick, Iris; Sedehizade, F.
Conference Paper
2011 Biofilmvermeidung durch natürliche Wirkstoffe - gezielte und langfristige Freisetzung durch ein PEG-basiertes Depotsystem
Weber, Christina; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Müller, Michaela; Trick, Iris; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2010 Communication in biofilms between different species: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Purschke, F.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Rupp, S.; Trick, Iris; Hirth, Thomas
Conference Paper
2009 Onlinefähige Trinkwasserüberwachung auf Grundlage eines biologischen Breitbandsensors mit automatischer Bildauswertung (AquaBioTox)
Sedehizade, F.; Trick, Iris; Bernard, T.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Maucher, T.; Geiger, Georg-Ullrich; Kuntze, H.-B.; Müller, T.; Sawo, F.; Moldaenke, C.
Conference Paper
2008 Clinical tracheal replacement: transplantation, bioprostheses and artificial grafts
Steger, V.; Hampel, M.; Trick, Iris; Müller, Michael; Walles, T.
Journal Article
2007 Physikalisch-chemische und mikrobiologische Wirkung gesputterter photokatalytischer Titanoxid-Schichten
Frach, P.; Glöß, D.; Vergöhl, M.; Hund-Rinke, K.; Trick, Iris
Journal Article
2007 Anaerobe Reinigung von Abwasser
Sternad, W.; Mohr, M.; Spork, C.; Trösch, W.; Trick, I.; Krischke, W.
2006 Decomposition ability and bioactivity of photocatalytic TiO2 based layers prepared by reactive pulse magnetron sputtering
Frach, P.; Glöß, D.; Zywitzki, O.; Vergöhl, M.; Neumann, F.; Hund-Rinke, K.; Trick, Iris
Conference Paper
2003 Ultrathin antibacterial polyammonium coatings on polymer surfaces
Thome, J.; Holländer, A.; Jaeger, W.; Trick, Iris; Oehr, Christian
Conference Paper
2003 Verfahren zur Erhoehung der Verwendungszeit von Kuehlschmierstoffen
Krueger, K.; Mehlstaeubl, J.; Sternad, W.; Trick, I.
2001 Plasma treatment - an increasing technology for paper restoration?
Vohrer, Uwe; Trick, Iris; Bernhardt, J.; Oehr, Christian; Brunner, H.
Journal Article
2000 Mikroorganismen. Ursache für die Zerstörung von Archivalien und Büchern
Trick, Iris; Vohrer, Uwe
Journal Article
2000 Stopp dem Buchzerfall
Koch, B.; Trick, Iris; Vohrer, Uwe
Journal Article
1999 Stop dem Buchverfall
Vohrer, Uwe; Trick, Iris
Journal Article
1999 Bioaerosole - Monitoring mit einem neuartigen Partikelzähler
Schüle, A.; Kölblin, R.; Grimme, R.; Trick, Iris
Journal Article
1999 Entwicklung neuer Sterilisationsverfahren mittels der Plasmatechnik
Vohrer, Uwe; Trick, Iris; Oehr, Christian
Journal Article
1999 Echtzeit-Differenzierung von luftgetragenen biotischen und abiotischen Partikeln
Schüle, A.; Grimme, R.; Trick, Iris
Journal Article
1998 Gefahr aus der Luft: On-line-Differenzierung von luftgetragenen biotischen und abiotischen Partikeln
Kölblin, R.; Trick, Iris; Grimme, R.
Journal Article
1998 Detection of Biological Contamination
Grimme, R.; Kölblin, R.; Schüle, A.; Trick, Iris
Conference Paper
1997 Optimierung von Dichtsystemen
Schnepple, H.; Reuter, G.; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter
Journal Article
1996 Plasmatechnologie in der Restaurierung
Vohrer, Uwe; Anders, M.; Trick, Iris; Oehr, Christian
Journal Article
1994 Entwicklung von Membranen und Membrantechniken nach dem Vorbild der Natur. Vortrag im Rahmen der Informationsveranstaltung der Ministerin für Natur und Umwelt des Landes Schleswig-Holstein am 6.7.1994 in Kiel
Trick, Iris
Conference Proceeding
1991 Comparative investigations on the production of glutamic acid with Corynebacterium glutamicum in stirred tank and propeller loop reactors
Reuter, G.; Gebicke, W.; Chmiel, H.; Johl, H.-J.; Sternad, W.; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
1990 Characterization of bioreactors with three biological systems
Krischke, W.; Schmid, U.; Wessling, V.; Chmiel, H.; Henkel, H.-J.; Sternad, W.; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter; Trück, U.
Conference Paper
1989 Immunenzymatischer Test mit Detektion durch Farbumschlag im sichtbaren Spektralbereich
Bryniok, D.; Trick, I.; Trösch, W.
1989 Abwasserreinigung mit immobilisierten Mirkoorganismen unter Verwendung von porösen, kugeligen Sinterglasträgern
Henkel, H.-J.; Schneider, W.; Sternad, W.; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter
Conference Paper
1989 Purification of waste waters using microorganisms immobilized of spherical particles of porous sintered glass material
Henkel, H.-J.; Schneider, W.; Sternad, W.; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter
Conference Paper
1987 Immunoenzymatic quantitation of methanogenic bacteria in anaerobic mixed cultures
Bryniok, Dieter; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter
Conference Paper
1987 Quantitativer immunenzymatischer Nachweis von methanogenen Bakterien in Mischkulturen
Bryniok, Dieter; Trick, Iris; Trösch, Walter
Conference Paper
1985 Aerobic spore-forming bacteria as detrimental infectants in plant tissue cultures
Trick, Iris; Lingens, F.
Journal Article
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