Photocatalytic coatings to counteract microorganisms on surfaces

Diagram showing the photocatalytic reaction.
Diagram showing the photocatalytic reaction.

An innovative approach to achieving an antimicrobial effect completely without the use of biocidal or other chemicalsynthetic agents is the equipment of surfaces with photocatalytically active coatings or nanoparticles. The aim of a joint research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) was the representation of such practice-oriented, highly effective coatings with selfcleaning and self-disinfectant properties based on photocatalytically active titanium dioxide components. These coatings can be used for a large number of products with a wide range of applications.


Photoactivation in test rig.
Photoactivation in test rig.
SEM image of test organisms on a synthetic material surface.
SEM image of test organisms on a synthetic material surface.

The material to be examined was made available by project partners and evaluated microbiologically at the Fraunhofer IGB. In all, more than 50 different surface modifications of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate, ceramic, glass and cellulose (filter material) as well as corresponding non-modified control samples were investigated. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains were used as test organisms. These were applied to the surfaces in a defined cell count in accordance with standardized cultivation and using a spray technique. The photoactivation of the surfaces coated with titanium dioxide was carried out with a Philips Actinic BL-TL 20 W/10 low-pressure mercury vapor discharge lamp at a relative humidity of 93 percent and a temperature of 20 °C.


Inactivation of S. lutea on a photocatalytic synthetic material surface.
Inactivation of S. lutea on a photocatalytic synthetic material surface.
Table 1: Classification of the results for comparison of the photocatalytic properties of the samples.
Table 1: Classification of the results for comparison of the photocatalytic properties of the samples.
Percentage representation of classified surfaces.
Percentage representation of classified surfaces.

The samples consisting of various materials were produced using spray techniques, sol-gel processing, by compounding, PVD methods, spray pyrolysis or plasma sputtering. Of great interest from the microbiological viewpoint were the influence of the material properties, the method of coating and/or the equipment of the specimens as well as the impact of various proportions of photocatalyst on the inactivation of the various test organisms. The figure on the left shows an example in which three synthetic materials were examined. Here, with the test organism Sarcina lutea a distinct 5-6-log reduction of the cell count was achieved depending on the time. This corresponded to an inactivation of 99.999 to > 99.9999 percent.

For all the measurement series carried out during the joint research project with the aim of characterizing the various surfaces, materials and thus the coating processes with regard to their antimicrobial properties, the endeavor was to achieve a quantification of the so-called reduction factor. The evaluation included all the results that were available from the characterization of the glass or synthetic material samples. In order to achieve a better comparability, the results available after a 12-hour exposure and with the Gram-positive bacterial standard test strain Sarcina lutea were taken as a basis. The resulting classification of the samples examined is shown in Table 1. As the initial cell count was generally set at 106, for example a reduction factor of 6 corresponds to the maximum achievable reduction of the microbial contamination under experimental conditions and thus to class 1.

About 50 percent of the photocatalytic surfaces examined with an observation time of 12 hours exposure come under classes 1 and 2.

This means that at least 99.999 percent of the organisms used in each case on the samples examined are inactivated. In a further almost 30 percent of the coatings a reduction of the microbial contamination by 99.99 to 99.999 percent was still achieved. An inactivation based on photocatalytic activity could be detected both on glass and on various synthetic materials. The advantage for an industrial implementation can be seen in the fact that, adapted to the requirements, all the above-mentioned coating processes are suitable, thus opening up a wide range of applications for photocatalytic finishes. The precondition is a relatively uniform distribution of the particles constituting the photocatalyst. A complete decomposition of cell structures was not observed with the length of treatment examined. There is a need for further research here, especially regarding the degradation of fungal hyphae on surfaces.


Structural changes of bacterial cells.
Structural changes of bacterial cells.

The Fraunhofer IGB plans to continue investigating from the scientific point of view the influencing factors and mechanisms of photocatalysis, to make available to industrial partners in bilateral cooperation schemes the practical experience gained while carrying out effectivity tests and to further develop the verification procedures.


We would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for funding the project “Photocatalytic Surface Finishes for Medical Purposes, Production Technology and Consumer Goods”, short designation Photokat, promotional reference 01RI0637.

Project partners

  • UltraKat Plasmatechnik GmbH, Heidelberg (Project Coordinator)
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, Pfinztal
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Braunschweig
  • MRC Systems GmbH, Heidelberg
  • University of Heidelberg, Institute of Hygiene and Institute of Applied Physical Chemistry, Heidelberg
  • Laserzentrum Hannover e. V., Hannover
  • GXC-Coatings GmbH, Goslar
  • Sartorius AG, Göttingen
  • NTTF Coatings GmbH, Rheinbreitbach