
A novel microwave-enhanced superheated steam process for high performance drying of hygroscopic polymers

Within the HiPerDry project, a consortium of twelve partners from industry and research will develop a new drying technology for hygroscopic plastics. The new approach combining microwave heating with superheated steam convective drying will not only lead to significant savings in energy costs, but also allow time efficient drying of thermo-sensitive bioplastics.

The principal objective of the HiPerDry project is to create a significant advance over the State of the Art in hygroscopic plastics drying technology. The three year development programme will culminate in the testing and demonstration of a pilot plant. The new technology will combine microwave heating and super-heated steam drying and is expected to lead to a reduction in process energy costs of up to 50 % as well as a decrease in drying time and an increase in resulting product quality. Moreover, it will allow to efficiently dry heat-sensitive hygroscopic plastics, especially bioplastics, without the risk of material degradation.


Project information

Project title

HiPerDry – A novel microwave-enhanced superheated steam process for high performance drying of hygroscopic polymers


Project duration

October 2013 - September 2016


Project partners

  • Fraunhofer IGB (Germany), Coordination
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB (Germany)
  • Verband Technische Kunststoff-Produkte e.V. (Germany)
  • Asosiación Española de Industriales de Plásticos (Spain)
  • Associazione Nazionale Costruttori di Macchine e Stampi per Materie
  • Plastiche e Gomma (Italy)
  • British Plastics Federation (United Kingdom)
  • Plastipolis, Pôle de compétitivité plasturgie (France)
  • Bierther GmbH (Germany)
  • FAPERIN, S.L (Spain)
  • Universität Stuttgart(Germany)
  • Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (The Netherlands)
  • Asociacion De Investigacion De Materiales Plasticos Y Conexas (Spain)
  • Heckmann Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH (Germany)


The research leading to results in this project receives funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°606425

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