Sustainable Electrosynthesis

The intermittent availability of renewable energy leads to the need of finding new ways to store electric energy. For this reason, we work on the development of sustainable electrochemical synthesis processes driven by renewable electric energy, which is then stored in the form of chemical bonds. By using widely available renewable resources, such as carbon dioxide, water and biomass, we aim to establish an important pillar for a sustainable circular economy.


CO2 reduction

CO2 can be electrochemically reduced to valuable energy sources and other useful raw materials, such as synthesis gas (a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen), formic acid and ethylene. With the objective to enable the industrial application of such technologies, we develop electrocatalysts and processes for the electrochemical production of various CO2 reduction products with a strong focus on industrially relevant performance indicators, e.g. high current density, selectivity and stability at continuous operation in flow cells.


Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important chemical product that is used in large quantities in various industries. Currently, H2O2 is produced via the anthraquinone‑autoxidation (AO) process, which is energy-intensive and poses environmental risks. The electrochemical production of H2O2 offers an environmentally friendly alternative, particularly suitable for decentralized production of H2O2 on demand and at the location where it is needed. In our labs we work on the electrochemical two-electron‑oxidation of water (H2O) to H2O2, where we have already reached high selectivity and process stability at industrially relevant operational conditions (continuous flow, high current density).

Our services

  • Conceptual development of electrochemical processes
  • Development and optimization of electrocatalysts, electrodes and electrolysis cells for a multitude of applications
  • Customized and application-specific development of processes and prototypes
  • Simulation and modeling
  • Scale up, process and plant design


Reference projects
CO2 reduction


January 2021 – December 2023

Fraunhofer Lighthouse Project "ShaPID"

Shaping the Future of Green Chemistry by Process Intensification and Digitalization

The chemical industry is essential for a wide range of industrial value chains and is one of the most important drivers of new product developments and innovations. Global challenges in the areas of climate protection, energy and resource efficiency − coupled with political and societal demands for a green, sustainable chemistry − have led the chemical industry to set ambitious goals for defossilizing its production processes and establishing a circular, climate-neutral material and energy conversion. This transformation calls for major research and development efforts.

Reference projects
Electrosynthesis of H2O2


January 2023 – December 2026


Electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from water, air and renewable electric energy

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an environmentally friendly oxidant widely used in the chemical industry. However, the classic production method is expensive and not suitable for decentralized application on a small scale. For this reason, researchers at Fraunhofer IGB have been working on an alternative electrochemical process in the CO2EXIDE project. This is now being further developed and demonstrated in the EU-funded follow-up project POWER2HYPE together with partners from industry and research.


January 2018 – December 2020


CO2-based electrosynthesis of ethylene oxide

The goal of the project CO2EXIDE is the establishment of an electrochemical, energy efficient and near-to CO2-neutral process for the production of the bulk chemical ethylene from CO2, water and renewable energy. One of the central steps is the development of a new type of electrolyser that enables a simultaneous reaction on both anode and cathode, which is more efficient in terms of energy and resources.

Further reference projects
Electrosynthesis with biogenic resources

